Now that you are ready to start your freelancing journey. You now have your laptop and internet. The laptop lifestyle is now in your hands, but yes you can also use a desktop like me. You can check our article about Introduction to Freelancing, where we share the 9 reasons why people are transitioning to freelancing.
In my observation, the hardest part of the freelancing journey is getting your very first client. Setting up your equipment in some instances is quite easy. Some already have a computer and internet even before starting their freelancing journey.
A big part of aspiring freelancers quit without even getting a single client. Many aspiring and motivated freelancers quit after months of trying and not getting any clients. Some send 10 proposals and call it quits. Like this freelancing, maybe is not for me.
How long does it take to get your First Client?
It took me 2 years and 234 proposals before landing my first client in Upwork. Anyway here’s the timeline. I joined Upwork in May 2016 and sent 120 proposals, but did not land any project. I took a break from Upwork and just started submitting proposals again in February 2018. After 5 months and 114 proposals, I landed my very first client. So it took me 234 proposals in Upwork to land my first project ever.
There are freelancers who get their first client quicker. But they still have some struggles at the start. Do you know any successful freelancers that you look up to? Like a coach or a mentor, try to ask or search on what are their struggle when they start their freelancing journey, or you can ask them how many proposals or rejections they face before landing their first client. I can say that 99% struggle at the start and the main reason that they are successful is they don’t quit. So if you want to land your first client, don’t quit.
Recommended action to help you land your first client.
Submit 1 proposal per day, weekends are included. You don’t have a client. If you don’t do this, other freelancers will and of course, they will be the ones to grab the opportunities.
In Upwork, there are new job postings every day. Not submitting proposals on weekends will only make you close your first client longer which is again the major factor on why aspiring freelancers quit. Once you have landed a client, you can reduce your client-getting activities, like submitting only on weekdays.
Optimize and update your profile.
Optimize means, that if a prospective client views your profile, he can easily tell if your
services can help him. If you have new relevant certifications make sure to update it to your profile.
Learn from another successful freelancer. In Upwork, you can view other freelancers’ profiles. Please note that I’m not saying that you copy their profile, this is a no-no. Just use their profile as inspiration and observe how they create their profile.
Don’t quit and keep yourself motivated.
There are days. Many days actually, you feel that you want to quit. Please don’t. The only way that you will lose your dream of being a freelancer is when you quit. Do things that help you to be motivated. Like listening to motivational songs. Believe me, when your freelancing journey already starting to get better. You will thank yourself, that you did not quit.
Be disciplined.
Freelancing is being your own boss. There are no superiors or managers to tell you what you should be doing. Be disciplined to do number 1 every day.
Again, the major reason that aspiring freelancers decide to stop their freelancing dream is by not getting their first client and deciding to quit. So this is my question to you. If it will take you 2 years and 234 proposals to land your first client. Will you still pursue your freelancing dream? Your success in freelancing is guaranteed if you promise yourself that you will not quit. Even if it’s hard. So don’t quit.