This is for Freelancers who are using the 8% Income Tax Rate option.
Save time and watch only what applies to you:
  1. Freelancer – Single Proprietor. Without Percentage Tax – Beginning to 9:30.
  2. Freelancer – Single Proprietor. With Percentage Tax. Beginning to 12:00.
  3. Freelancer – Professional 12:00 to 20:15.
  4. Freelancer – Professional. Newly Registered.
  5. BIR Registered – December 1, 2023
    20:16 to 26:00.
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
    26:01 to End.

File and pay your tax early to avoid late filing penalties!


Annual Income Tax Return Year 2023 – April 15, 2024
4th Quarter Percentage Tax Return Year 2023 – January 25, 2024

Join our community to stay up-to-date on taxes for your freelance business!
Freelancers BIR Tax Compliance Support Group